Yellow submarine

Added 2009-04-20 06:35:06 | Length: 03:04 | Category: Songs

In the town where I was born 在我出生的那個城鎮裡
Lived a man who sailed to sea 住著一個航海的男人
And he told us of his life In the land submarines 他告訴我們他在潛水艇裡的生活
So we sailed up to the sun 於是我們一直航行至天亮,
Till we found the sea of green 直到我們找到了蔚藍的大海
And we lived beneath the waves 我們住在波濤下面的
In our yellow submarine 黃色潛水艇裡
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
And our friends are all on board 我們的朋友都在船上,
Many more of them live next door 他們大都住在我們的隔壁
And the band begins to play 樂隊開始演奏
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
as we live a life of ease, Everyone of us has all we need 我們過著安逸的生活,每個人都擁有想要的東西
Sky of blue and sea of green In our yellow submarine 藍天碧水在我們黃色潛水艇裡
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine 我們都住在黃色潛水艇裡,黃色潛水艇啊,黃色潛水艇

Keywords:  Yellow   submarine